Diving into vanlife automatically can guide you into many different transitions in regards to your lifestyle. One of those for us has definitely been the change towards a more sustainable way of living. There is such an abundance of research available at our finger tips these days to provide you with stats, figures and facts on the importance of taking action towards this movement. However, it can easily become overwhelming and intimidating when starting this transition. It can also be deterring when harsh guilt vibes are easily cultivated when dabbling into this subject. So where and how can you begin?    


We have found that starting small and gradually making baby steps to improving your footprint is often the most realistic approach. It can be a slow journey investing in purchasing your eco friendly products. But keep in mind that every small decision still does make a huge difference in the long run.


(Above wearing the beautiful Australian sustainable brand Pinky & Kamal)

Before and during vanlife we have found the following tools in home-ware to have been quite an easy, smart and useful way to begin our transition.


I personally drink like a camel no matter the season, so a reusable water bottle was an absolute no brainer. These bottles are extremely popular now. So finding the right colour, size, style and price is allot easier.


The tote bag has become my go to “ hand bag”. There are several varieties to suit the need of the bag. From everyday use to fresh produce shopping. We find it really handy to use these bags several ways. For example we use our bags as a beach bag, hand bag, produce bag and fruit bowl to hang in our vehicle.


They are prefect for when we have no power in the van and need an extra hand from a cafe to blend up a delicious smoothie. For my partner especially, our re usable coffee mugs are so handy, when it is time to treat ourselves to a little hot brew.


A very simple great addition is an eco friendly plastic free toothbrush. I can tell you these things last a long time. They are made with biodegradable materials and most companies use bio packaging also, if there is any.


Another great addition is to change up your kitchen srcubs and tools. There are a large variety of choices and tools on the market. With some products even being made out of coconut fibers. Allot of the time the price of your standard plastic tools are the same and in some cases the eco choices can cost less.


With vanlife in particular we have found this area to be very important. If you have a fridge and eat the way we eat, often having a large variety of fresh produce and meal preps, containers are a must. For us we find stainless steel containers to be the best. As it provides a bit more ease of mind when travelling, compared to glass.

One other major element toward sustainability is clothing. For me my love of fashion draws back to my childhood. As I would sit for hours sketching women’s clothing and drawing their outfits. Beginning vanlife, my relationship with clothing had to change fast. Becoming more of a minimalist and less materialistic. These following tips are super handy and realistic when beginning your transition yourself.

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- Buy staples

- Quality over quantity

- Learn to mend or use repair services

- Thrift, thrift & thrift. Opp shops & vintage stores

- Recycle any clothes by giving to charities

- Consider renting outfits for special occasions

- Buy clothes that can be worn several ways

- Purchase pieces that can easily be layered



 Overall, the fashion industry as a whole is contributing more to climate change than the aeronautical and shipping industries combined. If trends continue, the industry could account for a quarter of the world’s carbon budget by 2050 ” - The Guardian, Australian Edition


We have also found that simply researching and keeping your eyes open for sustainable and ethical brands to be such an important conscious habit to form when transitioning as well. Being an active girl, an eco lifestyle/active wear line was an important source to research for myself. One of my favorites and definitely a brand to watch is Pinky and Kamal. This beautiful Australian label provides natural activewear and lifestyle designs for women who enjoy moving freely, living simply and staying comfortable.

They have created a collection of effortless styles that are designed to become a staple in your wardrobe for many years to come. They are all about quality over quantity. Not just for the clothing which you purchase for your wardrobe but also transitioning this idea throughout your day to day life. Sustainability is truly what their brand proudly stands for. They have impressively shaped their collection to bring you clothing that is made from only natural and organic fabrics. This stunning label really does tick all the boxes when looking at transitioning your wardrobe towards more eco- friendly staples.

“ The signals are, fashion is, on the same trajectory as plastics and forests and alternatives to meat. These were all underlying concerns that got through to the mainstream consumer ’’ - Mike Barry, director of sustainable business at Marks & Spencer

So next time you are out and about collecting your usual goods try a few of these ideas and eco-friendly options. Gradually, I am sure you will see how easy the transition can become. I can assure you it feels great when you start to become more conscious about your purchasing and the planet will love you for it too.

PEACE X Kirsty, Brent & Alfie

kirsty nichols